1.作為“電子行業公民協會”(www.eicc.info)的會員,廣達遵守其發布的“電子行業行為準則” 。同時,也希望我們的供應商也能遵守其相關政策,如不使用“衝突金屬”等。
As a member of EICC (Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition, www.eicc.info), Quanta had committed itself to the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC).? And it hopes its suppliers will also comply with the policies including no “conflict metals” policy.
If you find anything where Quanta or its employee violates EICC, please don’t hesitate to contact us , we will take any voices in a confidential manner.
Quanta will have conversation with its suppliers for social accountability in every possible way as EICC reads. If you want to know more information about EICC, please visit www.eicc.info